
Guessing all the movie titles

Guess all the 34 movie titles, from the provided movie frames
There was an alternative release, as a single image

From movie titles to seed words

Transform "somehow" each movie title into an English BIP-0039 seed word


The seedphrase you have is 34 words long, but we should have a 24 words seedphrase instead
Some movies should not be in the sequence, and should be considered intruders, but which ones ?
You will need additional informations about each movie to detect those intruders "somehow"

Every information you need can be found on IMBD, on each movie's page
Organize your findings in an excel table, unless you have a giga brain

Restore the Bitcoin wallet

Once you got rid of the intruders, you can restore the Bitcoin wallet using the 24 words passphrase with any compatible software